Venus’ story is everywhere! From radio to print,
Venus has shared her experience with media outlets all over.
Take a Bite: Vegan Pumpkin Cheesecake
Vegan chef Venus DeMarco shares a vegan pumpkin recipe perfect for fall and the upcoming holiday season.
Food segment on Tampa 8 Bloom TV
Take Your Life In Your Own Hands And Make Wellness And Health A Priority w/ Venus DeMarco
Venus DeMarco is an author, motivational speaker, health coach and cancer survivor. After being diagnosed with cancer, she decided to practice natural healing methods instead of taking the conventional route of removing her breasts and undergoing chemotherapy.
Venus now creates actionable and effective solutions for her clients to bring about healthy changes in the mind, body, AND spirit! Venus joins the podcast today to share her story, talk about the impact of adopting a diet full of fresh whole foods, How to boost your immune system, how to safely and easily detox and how to start your day to set yourself up for success.
Since we will be talking about the immune system Venus is offering a buy 2 human or pet probiotics from Vital Planet and get one free promo code. Follow and use promo code WHYNOT
You can also go to for a free download of her 11 ways to detox easily and safely everyday.
Generation Why Not®
700 Club TV Spot
Breast Cancer Healed without Surgery or Drugs
Terri Gilbert interviews Venus DeMarco – on Fearless – Healed from Cancer by Faith, Food & Fun!
WalkMyMind Presents Venus DeMarco
Walkcast: Venus DeMarco | Speaker, Author, Educator and Plant Based Chef
G-Wade Radio Show
Venus DeMarco is “Fearless”!!! Check out her interview on the all new G-Wade Radio Show. #HAGR #G-WadeRadioShow #VenusDeMarco
Speaking at the 2015 T-Tapp Retreat
Thing just don’t Happen!
How to Stack the Odds in your Favor, when it comes to your health!
Venus speaks with humor, and love for for audience. She inspires them to look at this world of sickness and disease with a different view. A positive life changing outlook to become the master of your own health and destiny.
How amazing is your body, that it can be healed completely!
Your genes are not your destiny!
Her passion for God and a vegan lifestyle, and why this should be the basis of all health plans!
Be inspired and make a difference in your own life and health, by stacking the odds in your favor!
Hurdie Burk – Streamed Live on Nov 5, 2013
Vivian Lee Style Hosted 2 Nights of discovering how to stack the odds in your favor concerning your health. There was champagne, hors d’oeuvres, Q & A with Venus, and book signings.
“Both night were a big success, a few tears a lot of laughs and everyone was inspired. A big thanks to my dear friend Venus DeMarco, you are amazing and I love you! If you missed her this weekend, she will be back.” Vivian Jones, Owner of Vivian Lee Style
Speaking at the Sun Valley Wellness Festival in Sun Valley, ID May 23-27, 2013
This was such a special event, with such Authors as Dr Eben Alexander “Proof of Heaven” and Amory Lovins with R James Woosley just to name a few. The best part of this event was all the amazing people that were there, to learn and participate in their health and well-being.
Dr. Rita Marie Radio Interview (click below to play)
In this interview, Venus talks with Dr. Rita about:
- How to handle others reactions when choosing a natural healing route, instead of conventional treatments.
- What are the risk to a woman to get mammograms?
- Now that the cancer is gone, how does Venus know she is cured and how will she prevent it from recurring.

Author Talk Radio Show (click below to play)
AuthorTalk…get the story behind the story on fiction and literature, thrillers, children’s books, mystery and crime novels, romance, science fiction and fantasy, westerns, history,humor, inspiration and so many more topics. It’s all on AuthorTalk. You’ll get to hear the authors talking about their books. Take the opportunity to hear the insights on what inspired them to write it. Author Talk is presented by AuthorHouse…the leading provider of services to help authors publish, promote, and sell their books around the world. AuthorHouse has served the publishing needs of nearly 30,000 authors and produced more than 40,000 titles. Join Steve Jorgenson LIVE every Sunday at 1:00-2:00PM Eastern to hear the latest interviews by today’s authors!
Dr. Judy Seeger radio show – May 2, 2013
Venus spoke with Dr. Seeger about her book, and her healing journey. What a great interview!
Drastic Steps with Toni Harris radio show – May 3, 2013 (click below to play)
Venus DeMarco grew up in a military family so I lived all over the United States, including Japan and Europe. This life experience gave me the ability to look outside the box, when faced with lifechanging decisions. I was in the skin care industry and a lisenced Esthetician for 35 years. I have owned Spa’s and skincare clinics in Calif. Seattle Wa, Sunvalley Id, and also Austin Tx which I call home. Have won numerous awards in my field from the Golden Lily to best facial in Austin from 2008 thru 2010. My expertise in the skincare field was looking at the total picture when working with clients, not just the outside but internally as well. Because of that I laways got to the root of the problem not just the symptom.
Annual T-Tapp Retreat – 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013
“I was honored to speak in front of these woman attending this event. I spoke on Saving one Bodacious Ta Ta at a time! Asking the question is “Is it the fear or the disease?” I had spoken the year before but this year was especially fun sharing the stage with Cynthia and Molly from the Lifetime TV show, “Double Divas” I have spoken at this event in 2010 and 2012. Teresa Tapp the creator behind Better Body Basics and the incredible T-Tapp workout is the Host.
My talk was about my journey of turning down the conventional way of treatment when diagnosed with breast cancer and instead choosing the natural, holistic approach, touching on subjects, what is cancer? And asking the question why are we so programed to be afraid and not look at all the options. What is the true survival rate after chemo in five years?
Prevention is the cure and how do we keep the cancer switch off. My goal was to inspire the attendees to take charge of their own health care and to make better life decisions, and taking fear out of the equation when it comes to Cancer!”